We run a variety of programmes and projects to help the medical and nursing students in Kolkata. Here are a few of them:
Scholarship Programmes : Till date 16 young and meritorious students from poor backgrounds have been supported throughout their medical career till they become financially independent.
Hepatitis B vaccination programme: We have vaccinated 900 medical and nursing students over the years against the dreaded Hepatitis B virus. Each dose costs roughly Rs 900 which is often oustide what many of these poor students can afford.
Clean drinking water programme : Multiple Aquaguard machines have been installed around various medical and nursing colleges to give free access to clean and safe drinking water preventing infectious diseases.
Book Fund : We have donated funds and international journals to the various medical college libraries to augment the educational standards of medical and nursing students.
Diabetic Project : We have actively taken part over the years to educate the local doctors and help them implement the current guidelines when it comes to management of Diabetes which poses a huge disease burden in the developing countries.
How you can support us
Like any other charity we are always looking for more enthusiastic and dedicated memebers who can identify with our aims and goals. We would be grateful for your support no matter how big or small to help our future generations of doctors and nurses who would then go on to serve the society at large. Should you be interested in setting up a regular donation or sponsor a student kindly contact us via the website and we would be happy to have you on board.